Virginia Voices International

About Us

Virginia Voices International Takes Music to Communities Near and Far

At Virginia Voices International, a group of 75 singers from across Hampton Roads, music is their mission.

Begun in 2000, VVI performs patriotic, spiritual and popular tunes for audiences foreign and domestic, “reaching the world with love, one song at a time,” according to Pastor and CEO Vicki Bohannon. 

All the singers are volunteers, but there are still costs to operate. One of those is the need for a new sound system to replace one two decades old. Queen of Virginia has chipped in $2,500 toward the $10,000 expense. “We are thrilled to help,” says Randy Wright, a Queen of Virginia consultant whose wife Arlene is one of the voices at VVI. “This organization rehearses continually for their mission trips and travels throughout Virginia, the nation and overseas to share their talents. It’s critical that they have a good sound system.”



Virginia Voices International, a volunteer, non-profit organization, provides a bridge through music into realms of emotions we can scarcely describe, but respond to deeply. We touch a diverse society with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds both domestically and internationally. With a commitment to the world’s peoples, we provide an experience that transcends the dimensions of reality and for which there can be no substitute, music…
If you would like to make a Donation please click “Donate” below:


Each year, Virginia Voices International awards the Celia McKenney Whitehurst Scholarship to a high school student or a school music/arts department. The funds are intended to encourage continuing education and training in the arts. Scholarships are awarded annually for workshops, competitions, and instruments for the student and/or the school.

2005 – Choral student – Green Run High School
2006 – Band student – Kempsville High School
2007 – Instruments – Green Run High School
2008 – Sound Technician – Kellam High School
2009 – Music Department – Atlantic Shores Christian School
2010 – Summer Camp – Theatrix
2011 – Camp Horizon – The Up Center
2012 – Choral Department – Landstown High School
2013 – Michaela Bly – Recent Works
2015 – Katie Lape, for a child to go to camp, sponsored by the Up Center – See Photo:
2016 – James Ellis, a member of Virginia Voices International – See Photo:
2017 – Katie Lape, Kempsville Middle School Music Teacher to complete their fund raising

Fund Raisers

Virginia Voices International depends on Fund Raisers to fund the many international trips throughout the world.

Look at the various events we have hosted.

Our Directors

Vicki Bohannon - CEO

As a co-founder and CEO of Virginia Voices International, I stand in wonder and awe at the amazing ways God has worked in this organization. God prepared my heart to do His will over a fifty years period while he was also working on the hearts of the first twelve members of Virginia Voices. A love of God’s harmonious music is what drew the original members together and now binds together close to a hundred voices. We all believe music is the universal language and through music we can “reach the world with love one song at a time.” This is the chord from which we find our strength to persevere. Hearing God’s call we will deliver His word as we travel both in the United States and internationally. God continues to send us as an answer to the call of many missionary groups. Our prayer is God will use us in ways He can only imagine.

Mary Lyon Camper - Music Director

Five smooth stones, a sling and a prayer – that’s all the shepherd, David had when he answered God’s call. Stepping into the valley to face the giant Goliath, he served as an instrument to conquer the Godless Philistines. In 2002, much like David, with a seemingly overwhelming challenge and limited resources, Virginia Voices International also set forth to answer God’s call. Propelled by a vision to fulfill the great commission, VVI forged into a troubled world armed with a universal language - music. Broadway, Patriotic and Inspirational songs were our stones - a boom box was our sling - and like David, prayer and dependence on God served to encourage and empower us in our quest. As an ecumenical movement with a diverse membership from over 20 churches, we have grown in number and have traveled extensively during the last ten years, performing and serving in a variety of domestic and international venues. Partnerships with others have helped facilitate our ministry and multiply our effect. A number of years ago, Marian Manor, a local retirement facility, opened its doors to us for our Monday evening rehearsals. In 2005 we began working with Global Missions Project, a Georgia based music ministry with like goals and extensive connections. Since then, GMP has facilitated mission opportunities that we could never have imagined, in places like Russia, Scotland and Las Vegas. Our commitment is to answer God’s call to go wherever He sends us. If you enjoy singing, adventure and excitement, and the satisfaction of serving, please come join us and experience the joy found in saying “Yes Lord,” as we move wherever He leads.

Our Founders

Virginia Voices International is eternally grateful for the foresight of our founders.  Through their efforts, Virginia Voices International has entertained and helped people throughout the world.  Countries include Scotland, Guatemala, Ukraine, Russia, Uruguay, and London as well as numerous locations throughout the United States.

God Bless you all.


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WVEC) -- Their motto is "reaching the world with love, one song at a time." It's true you will fall in love with Virginia Voices the first time you hear them perform. They are friends who've been in harmony together for a very long time. At 74 years old, Larry Ward does a sensational Frank Sinatra and sings a stirring "New York, New York" his way. "It inspires me and makes me feel good," Larry said. "Music's been part of my entire life." In fact, when Larry was younger, he says Andy Griffith's wife was his first choir director."She was a really great lady," Larry said.

At 83 years old, Dory Timberlake is unforgettable doing his best NAT King Cole, who he was thrilled to meet in his younger days. Dory says singing with Virginia Voices makes him feel alive. "They are wonderful to be with," Dory said. "This is really something for me, quite an experience." Virginia Voices members say they're like familyMost members may be up there in years, but they are young at heart. They shine when dressed in their performance best, belting out show tunes from Broadway. It is music that embraces diversity, inspires through Christianity and moves through patriotism, saluting our veterans. They often go on overseas trips on missions to help to fix shelters for abused women and orphanages for children. They say they sing and work for God and to spread His goodwill around the globe.

"What I like about this group is we honor the Lord very much and we sing for Him," Dory said."We are a ministry more than we are an entertainment choir," Larry said. "These people in the choir are fabulous. They are wonderful, Christian people. It's a blessing to be with them."  Virginia Voices will impress you with their mix of Broadway and patriotic music. They're living up to their goal to reach the world with love one song at a time.

Christmas Concert


This annual holiday concert is purposed to opening the eyes of young children to Jesus’ love and to the arts. Even though this is a ticketed event, we offer churches and area businesses the opportunity to purchase and  donate tickets in the spirit of giving so under privileged children can be enveloped in the holiday spirit.  This  concert features a variety of seasonal songs, skits, and a visit from Santa Claus with gifts for all children.  As  the concert concludes, all glory is given to God when we recognize the purpose for the celebration and the best  gift of all, a small child, the son of God, our Savior born in a manger.

Ukraine, 2010

     Children everywhere need to know of God’s love.  This was our desire while visiting the Green Hill and Eagle Village Orphan Camps, the Invalid Orphanage, the Neurological and TB Health Care Centers, and the Chernobyl Orphanage Hospital.  Whether we were performing, presenting a bible lesson and bibles, face painting, polishing nails, applying water soluble tattoos, or playing soccer and volleyball with the children, our purpose was to give  to them what God so graciously has bestowed on us.  With gentle touches, tender hugs, and comforting smiles,  we saw their faces light up as we tried to touch their hearts. When they joined us in dance and song we knew their burden had been lifted if only for a short time.  We were also invited to lead the worship service in a church in Sevastopol, Yalta and Kiev. 
     During the service at Yalta Baptist church, one of our members shared his testimony as a WWII military pilot and how once sworn enemies can now stand together in the same church, worshiping the same God and loving each other as brothers in Christ.  To conclude the service, the congregation was asked to join us in singing Amazing Grace.  Two languages were united in one voice praising our God.  The Holy Spirit filled the air, Christ’s love was felt, and God’s name was praised.  Back onboard the MS Dnieper Star, the riverboat used to transport us to our five ports of call, the French and German guest had questions about this group of travelers.   
      We surprised them one evening with a concert under the stars on the aft deck.  There,  too, we proclaimed the love of God and to three ovations sang to His glory

Russia, 2006

     Our trip to Russia allowed us to brightened the lives of children in two orphanages and a summer camp where  we shared Jesus’ love by giving of our time and helping them shop for much needed clothing.  The children’s  teachers were moved by the love we showed. Our Russian translator shared, “It was awesome that we opened  the hearts of the teachers who are usually so cold…God did a miracle through you, teachers are softened.”  We  also shared The History of American Spiritual Music at many different venues including restaurants, market  places, and the International House of Music.  Our principal concert was in Moscow where we realized how much  we treasure our own freedom.  At this concert, a woman came to the front of the concert hall and fell to her  knees in prayer and praise.  She was immediately escorted out of the concert hall by the KGB and taken away.
     Later that evening, during our final song, How Great Thou Art, a man demonstrating great courage stood, then  another, and another rose to their feet.  Finally, everyone was standing and the KGB stood still.  We were deeply  impacted by the significance of this and realized our blessing was God allowing us to convey His love in Russia  and to serve as a reminder to Russian Christians that God is in control.

Scotland, 2008

     Our desire in Scotland was to unite the churches along the border towns through a shared love of Jesus.  To  accomplish this we performed 14 concerts, in multiple venues: nursing homes, elementary and high schools,  churches, and even a coffee house.  We provided inspiration and entertainment so God’s people would be  encouraged to carry on God’s work in their communities. At one final coffee house concert, the patrons began, singing to us.  This was very high praise from the reserved Scots.  Weeks later we were surprised to read words  of appreciation from their provost printed in the editorial section of our local newspaper, The Virginia Pilot.

Guatemala, 2012

    When Jesus taught about His Kingdom, He often used stories comparing the spread of His message to a farmer Planting, caring for and harvesting his crop.  In keeping with  picture, many groups planning mission trips think in terms of sowing and reaping. But between those tasks, there also is a need for cultivation – strengthening  and encouraging growth. That became the primary focus for the 29 choir members who traveled to Guatemala in July of 2012.

      In addition to performing in various churches, the group had opportunity to sing and present the gospel at a secular university, and also to sing and present training workshops at local seminaries (Seminario Teologico Centroamericano and the Alfredo Colom Music School associated with the Baptist Seminary).  While in Guatemala, Virginia Voices partnered with the Celebration Orchestra, led by Camp Kirkland, for two concerts.

     Under the leadership of Global Mission Project, the choir was honored to sing on Guatemalan television for about 11 million viewers (Canal27), and also to minister in partnership with various Guatemalan ministries including an orphanage (Casa Bernabe), and another organization reaching out to people who live and work in the city dump (Potter’s House). We performed an outdoor concert to support a ministry with outreaches in Guatemala City and in various villages throughout the nation (Centro Cultural Cristiano). At the end of the week, we had opportunity to encourage a group using classical music to engage at-risk inner city youth in positive, life-giving activities (Coro Filarmonico).     Revelation 7 gives a picture of people of every ethnicity and language, worshiping together in heaven. Virginia Voices glimpsed this reality, working and worshiping with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters, at one point even singing “It Is Well With My Soul” in English, while our host congregation sang the same hymn in  Revelation 7 gives a picture of people of every ethnicity and language, worshiping together in heaven.

Fund Raisers

Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show


This elite event offers fine dining, a fashion show by local boutiques, a silent and live auction, as well as a full concert by Virginia Voices International. Each year this ticketed event is been held in such prestigious locations as The Founders Inn located in Virginia Beach, VA and The Norfolk Yacht and Country Club located in Norfolk, VA. We have been honored to have the participation and support of such noteworthy dignitaries as the Honorable Paul Fraim, Mayor of Norfolk; Randy Wright, Norfolk City Councilman; and Peter Decker, Esquire.

Great American BBQ / Annual Pig Pickin


     This casual, fun filled, ticketed event is held annually at a local park where our guests are invited to partake in  an all-you-can-eat, down-home, country BBQ and silent auction.  Virginia Voices presents mini concerts every  30 minutes throughout the day, so no matter what time you decide to come you are only moments away from  hearing live Inspirational, Patriotic, and Broadway music. So, come on down and meet up with old friends  and have some plain old-fashion fun in the great outdoors.


Virginia Voices had  a fun time at topgolf.    Please save the date and come have some fun with us. You can play for only $80.00 a person and that includes lunch. You can bring a team of 6 and go for the win. Contributions and participation were greatly appreciated.  Join us for future TopGolf outings.


Virginia Voices International

“Reach the World” CD

 Virginia Voices International is a volunteer choir that uses the universal language of music to communicate Christ’s love. Singing a variety of Broadway, Patriotic and Christian compositions, we touch widely diverse international and domestic audiences. Propelled by a vision to fulfill the great commision, VVI ventures throughout the world singing and serving. Wherever God leads, our commitment is to reach the world with love, one song at a time.

Song List:

1.   Amazing Grace
2.   Broadway Blockbusters
3.   How Great Thou Art with Majesty
4.   You Raise Me Up with Be Still My Soul
5.   Grease
6.   Just A Little Talk With Jesus with What A Friend We Have in Jesus
7.   Holy Ground
8.   Star Spangled Banner
9.   God Bless the USA with America the Beautiful
10.  Reach the World

If you would like to hear more of this fabulous CD.

  Please purchase by clicking the link below.

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Copyright Virginia Voices International